San Antonio United Methodist Campus Ministries (SAUMCM ) is an outreach of the Southwest Texas and Rio Grande Conferences to students and faculty of colleges and universities in the area of San Antonio, Texas. With on-campus registered student organizations at San Antonio College (23,000 enrolled), UTSA (25,000 enrolled), and Trinity University (4000 enrolled), SAUMCM unites students from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds in Christian community, spiritual celebration, and works of charity, mercy, social justice, and public witness. Activities include weekly student led fellowship and worship gatherings (called InterMission), Bible/book studies, the Hot Potato forum, small group ministry, student internships, "La Despedida" Spanish language commencement event, mission trips, and service and outreach projects at area missions. For more information, please contact SAUMCM Director, Rev. John Feagins, 210.733.1441, 102 Belknap Place, San Antonio, TX 78212;,umcm.
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